Primeo Energie: sustainable sponsorship

Primeo Energie and the Tour de Suisse are not just sponsoring partners. Both also place great value on the topic of sustainability.

The Tour de Suisse has a big goal. It wants to become the most sustainable cycle race in the world. ‘By 2027, we want to halve our CO2 emissions,’ says Mario Klaus, the Tour de Suisse’s sustainability officer. In the following years, the aim is to achieve net zero.

On the way there, the organisers are implementing various measures step by step. For example, partners, teams and guests are encouraged to adopt a sustainable approach. Teams that particularly excel in this regard have been receiving the Sustainability Award since this year and are riding with blue numbers. The first award winner is Team Movistar.

Spectators are encouraged to avoid travelling to the race track by car if possible, and to use public transport or, even better, their own bicycles. The organisers are also looking to become more sustainable themselves. This goes right down to the details. ‘For example, the ribbons that we use to attach our advertising signs by the thousands will be reusable in the future,’ says Mario Klaus. What’s more, 20 per cent of the vehicles used for the tour are electric cars. That’s double the number from last year!

Primeo Energie is also increasingly focusing on sustainability. The topic is an integral part of its business activities. This is evident in many areas. For example, in the decarbonisation of heat supply, support for solar power producers, the e-mobility business area or the purely renewable basic supply of electricity customers. A sustainability officer has a firm eye on the issue.

Primeo Energie also raises awareness among young people about the sustainable and climate-friendly use of energy. The Primeo Energie Kosmos Science and Experience Centre was set up specifically for this purpose. It is therefore important for Primeo Energie to ensure that its sponsoring partners are also committed to sustainability. This is clearly the case with the Tour de Suisse.